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چائنا کرین مشینری میوزیم کی افتتاحی تقریب

07 اگست 2024

چائنا کرین مشینری میوزیم 6 کی افتتاحی تقریب

On April 25, 2024, under the guidance of the Special Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation, the China Crane Machinery Museum, jointly built by the China Heavy Machinery Association, the Beijing Institute of Machinery and Equipment, the Henan Special Inspection Institute, Changyuan City and Henan کوانگشن کرین, was officially opened. The opening ceremony was grandly held in the intelligent industrial park of Kuangshan Crane. And it’s  undoubtedly important for the development of our country’s engineering equipment field.

As one of the important symbols of modern industrial civilization, cranes carry the wisdom and strength of mankind in engineering construction and material handling. The completion of the China Crane Machinery Museum systematically sorted out and displayed the development process of China’s crane industry.

This museum is not only a review of the past, but also a look forward to the future. It will inspire a new generation of engineers and technicians to climb the peak of science and technology, and continuously promote the progress and development of China’s crane technology.

At the same time, the China Crane Machinery Museum is also an important base for popular science education. It will attract young people and the public to learn about the cranes so as to stimulate their interest and love for science and technology.

In addition, it also plays an important role in enhancing our country’s cultural influence in the global crane field, which shows the development and unique charm of Chinese cranes to the world, promotes international cooperation and further consolidates our country’s leading position in this field.

It’s believed that this museum will popularize the rich and colorful crane culture to the public, tell the story of China’s crane development, increase the public’s interest in crane machinery, and make greater contributions to promoting the high-quality development of the crane industry!

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