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Два комплекти козлового кран-контейнера на 40,5 тонни, встановлений на залізниці

03 Тра, 2012 ks 13
Місцезнаходження: Ланьчжоу, Китай Дата:03 Тра, 2012 Продукція: Колійний козловий кран на залізничному монтажі Застосування: Внутрішнє контейнерне депо
№ 6
Two Sets 40.5Ton Rail Mounted Container Gantry Crane has officially come into service, designed and manufactured by our factory for Lanzhou International Port Bureau. The design and manufacture has come to the national industrial advanced level, the crane parts adopt the international brand, and the cranes (work duty:A8) are suitable for 24 hours and four season working requirement. Their handling capacity is very great, handling 30 pcs containers per hour, 120m/min for crane traveling, 110m/min for trolley traveling, 20m/min for lifting, max lifting speed can go up to 40m/min. Compared with the normal U type container gantry crane, the work efficiency of our new crane has been raised by 50%. The all speed are frequency control,which not only increase the work efficiency, because of reducing the alternating load, it also reduce the impact force and mechanical fatigue strength to improve the working life. Another special point is that we adopt the advanced automatic control system, realize the unmanned operation, such as the automatically locating box, precise localization, remote monitoring and real time data transport etc. The usage of two cranes has highly increased the handling capacity of Lanzhou International Port, also break the situation of large port machine monopolized by domestic large state-owned enterprises.
Крановий OEM експерт

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Електронна пошта: krystalli@kscranegroup.com

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