5 Explosion-Proof Overhead Cranes: Maximum Safety in Hazardous Workspaces

Explosion-proof overhead cranes have three major categories, one is suitable for use in coal mine gas gas explosive gas environment, one is in addition to coal mine gas gas other than explosive gas environment (Class II), the other is suitable for use in addition to coal mines other than explosive dust environment (Class III).
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Explosion-proof overhead cranes have three major categories, one is suitable for use in coal mine gas gas explosive gas environment, one is in addition to coal mine gas gas other than explosive gas environment (Class II), the other is suitable for use in addition to coal mines other than explosive dust environment (Class III). These three types of explosion-proof crane explosion-proof principle is basically the same, but adapted to the use of different environments, explosion-proof technology is also different. Explosion-proof overhead cranes can be used with explosion-proof wire rope hoists.

All kinds of explosion-proof overhead cranes produced by our company are designed, manufactured and accepted in strict accordance with the following national standards:

  • GB/T 3811-2008    《Design rules for cranes》 
  • GB/T 6067-2010  《Safety rules for lifting appliances》
  • GB/T 3836.1-2021 《Atmosfer yang mudah meledak-Bagian 1: Peralatan-Persyaratan umum》;
  • GB/T 3836.2-2021  《Explosive atmospheres-Part 2: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures “d”》;
  • JB/T 10219-2011  《Explosion-proof cranes with electric hoist》
  • JB/T 5897-2014  《Explosion-proof overhead traveling cranes》

Various types of explosion-proof bridge cranes are examined and tested by the National Center for Supervision and Inspection of Explosion-Proof Electrical Product Quality, and the explosion-proof cranes are issued with certificates of conformity after the final test.

Explosion-proof environment

Explosion-proof cranes are suitable for use in explosive gas environments Zone 1 and Zone 2 or combustible dust environments Zone 21 and Zone 22.

Kelompok SuhuSuhu permukaan maksimum yang diizinkan ℃
TA atau TBT1450

Class II explosion-proof crane explosion-proof level and the corresponding temperature group applicable explosive gases are listed below:

Kelas anti ledakanKelompok Suhu
IIAEtana, propana, stirena, benzena, xilena, karbon monoksida, aseton, asam asetat, metil asetat, amonia, piridinaEtanol, butana, propilena, etil asetat, metilen klorida, vinil klorida, kloroetanol, tiofena, siklopentana, dimetilaminaPentana, heksana, etilsiklopentana, terpentin, nafta, minyak bumi (termasuk bensin militer), bahan bakar minyak, klorobutana, tetrahidrotiofenaAsetaldehida, trimetilaminaEtil nitrit
Bahasa Indonesia: IIBPropina, akrilonitril, hidrogen sianida, gas oven kokasEtilen, etilen oksida, metil akrilat, furanDimetil eter, akrolein, tetrahidrofuran, hidrogen sulfidaDibutil eter, dietil eter, etil metil eter, tetrafluoroetilena
IIKHidrogen, gas airEtuna C2H2Karbon disulfidaEtil nitrat

Dust class explosion-proof cranes each anti-dust structure form and the corresponding temperature groups of combustible dust to adapt to the following table:

Bentuk anti ledakan debuKelompok Suhu
TA,T1 atau TB,T1TA,T2 atau TB,T2
A atau BMagnesium, fosfor merah, kalsium karbida, bubuk sabun, bahan bakar hijau, pewarna fenol, polietilena, polipropilena, poliuretana, polivinil klorida, karet keras, resin alami, damar, tepung terigu, pati jagung, bubuk gula pasir, serat kapas, serat stapel sintetis, bubuk antrasit, bubuk arang, bubuk kokas batubaraTepung Beras Ayak, Tepung Kakao, Tepung Malt, Tepung Flax Meal, Tepung Kelapa, Tepung Gambut, Tepung Lignite, Tepung Batubara Bitumen, Tepung Batubara untuk Kokas, Tepung Kokas Lignite

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