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RTG Automatisierter Containerportalkran mit Gummireifen: Entfesseln Sie leistungsstarke Effizienz mit einem revolutionären Design

RTG automated rubber tyred container gantry cranes are special machines for stacking operations in container yards, widely used in handling, loading, and unloading of international standard containers in container yards or transfer stations in ports, terminals, and logistics. The automated rubber tyred gantry crane of Kuangshan Crane can lift 20 feet, 40 feet, and 45 feet standard containers and hydraulic storage tanks.

The design, manufacture, and inspection of the RTG container crane implement the latest domestic and international standards such as FEM, DIN, IEC, AWS, GB, etc. RTG rubber tyred container gantry cranes are equipped with various functions, low sensitivity to ground unevenness, and are convenient to use, maintain, and repair. With perfect safety indication and overload protection devices, it ensures the safety of operators and equipment to the maximum extent.

RTG Automatisierter Container-Portalkran mit Gummireifen

RTG Automated Rubber Tyred Container Gantry Crane Specification

RTG Automated Rubber Tyred Container Gantry Crane Diagram
Nenntragfähigkeit (unter dem Streuer) T 35
Spanne m 17250
Hubhöhe 15200
Pflicht A7
Geschwindigkeit Rated Load m/min 20
Spreader only 50
Krabben auf Reisen 70
Trolleyfahrt 120
Stack height mm 120
Container specification 20’, 40′
Main size C1 1035
C2 1035
H 22420
H1 15200
B 12000
B 7000
K 6400
Max. Raddruck KN 290
Gesamtleistung KW 310
Stromversorgung Engine-generator set


  • Kuangshan Crane offers various power combinations (diesel generator, AC, low-power diesel generator + lithium battery) that are energy-saving and environmentally friendly.
  • Standard configuration includes a bi-directional flexible anti-sway resistance system, with optional multi-functional variable frequency anti-sway micro-motion system and electronic anti-sway system. These features provide significant anti-sway effects, easy maintenance, and enhanced container stability.
  • The CMS intelligent service management system enables real-time monitoring of equipment operating status.
  • Vector frequency conversion, power feedback (when powered by AC or lithium battery), and torque balance control technology ensure energy-saving, environmental protection, convenience, and efficiency.
  • Automated fault detection and real-time data display technology enhance safety and reliability.
  • Unique large vehicle deviation correction and fine-tuning technology, personalized steering for large vehicles, lifting, and anti-tipping design.
  • Offers various operation modes—manual, semi-automatic, and automated remote operation—with advanced technology and stable performance.
  • Features core technologies such as automatic operation positioning, intelligent container alignment, intelligent trajectory control, and intelligent safety protection.
  • Comprehensive safety measures include high wind alarms and dynamic safety scanning.
  • Tires can achieve 0-90 degrees of steering and rotation in place, change field operations, and have straight, horizontal, 20°, or 45° oblique functions.
  • The RTG crane’s crane and trolley traveling mechanism adopts the three-in-one reducer, easy to maintain.
  • The electric drive adopts the unique technology of full digital AC frequency conversion and PLC control speed regulation, and the control is flexible and the precision is high. Standard domestic and foreign well-known brands purchased parts to ensure the quality of the whole machine.

Elektrisches Steuersystem

RTG Automated Rubber Tyred Container Gantry Crane Electric Control System


Kuangshan Crane has over 20 years of extensive experience in manufacturing and exporting rubber tyred container gantry cranes, offering necessary spare parts and professional installation and maintenance guidance services for all rubber mounted container gantry cranes.

  • Ersatzteile
    We will prepare the required spare parts for your RTG rubber tyred container gantry crane so that any damaged or lost parts can be promptly replaced, reducing maintenance downtime and improving production efficiency.
  • Installation
    Wir stellen detaillierte Video-Installationsverfahren für den Portalkran zum Containerumschlag bereit und können bei Bedarf auch eine Video-Fernanleitung anbieten.
  • Wartung
    Wir stellen detaillierte Wartungsanweisungen zur Verfügung und bieten kostenlose Beratung zu allen Problemen an, die während der Nutzungsdauer des Containerportalkrans auftreten können.

Kuangshan Crane as a container Portalkran manufacturer is committed to providing high-quality and cost-effective gantry cranes for container handling, and continuously reaching new levels of innovative design and safety. Contact us to get the latest rubber tyred container gantry crane prices.

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  • Stellen Sie Ihnen unseren Produktkatalog zur Verfügung.
  • Ihre lokalen Kranprojekte aus unserem Haus.
  • Werden Sie unser Agent und verdienen Sie Provision.
  • Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie uns.


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