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Green Intelligence|Henan Kuangshan Crane for Baosteel Silicon Steel Project праходзіць экспертную праверку

22 верасьня 2023 г Праект Baosteel Silicon Steel 2

Henan Kuangshan Crane заснаваны на інтэлектуальных, экалагічных, высакаякасных распрацоўках інтэлектуальных вытворчых пераваг, рэалізацыі стратэгіі высакаякасных тавараў, каб дапамагчы Baosteel з крэмніевай сталі гадавой магутнасцю 80 000 тон вырабаў з вельмі нізкіх страт, арыентаваных на крамянёвую сталь, прысвечаную вытворчай лініі для дасягнуць экалагічна чыстай вытворчасці.

па змаўчанні

June 26-28, by the Baosteel Silicon Steel Division, China’s twenty Metallurgical Group Company Limited, the European Metallurgical Industrial Products Company Limited, Shanghai Baosteel Engineering Consulting Company Limited, Dalian Baoxin Lifting Technology Company Limited, Shanghai JinYi Detection Technology Company Limited composed of A inspection team of experts on the company’s commitment to the optimization of the Baosteel share oriented silicon steel product structure (two-step) project Crane products for acceptance, strict quality control, equipment state running well, to meet the contractual technical agreement and A test outline standards, successfully passed the expert A test.

Праект крана прадукты, часткова беспілотнага кіравання, абсталяваны бесправадной сістэмай адсочвання пазіцыянавання, поўнае пераўтварэнне частоты, энергазберажэнне і высокая эфектыўнасць.

The project team viewed the crane information in detail, each inspection item is in line with the requirements of the A inspection outline.A inspection experts on the company’s quality control system and product quality inspection results were highly evaluated.

The company’s large project office organized the process department, technology department, quality assurance department, production department and production team and other relevant personnel to cooperate with the A inspection, strict control of the details, A inspection work was a complete success.

Праект Baosteel Silicon Steel

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